Saturday, March 21, 2020

Clinical Chemistry Principles, Techniques, Correlations - Eighth Edition

Clinical Chemistry Principles, Techniques, Correlations - Eighth EditionClinical Chemistry: Principles, Techniques, Correlations is a textbook for the secondary science, which is about the measurement of the different types of compounds. Clinical chemistry is also termed as biochemistry and chemical biology. Clinical chemistry is an interdisciplinary field that consists of chemical and biological studies.The previous editions of this textbook contain a total of four volumes. There are thirteen chapters, in this edition, it includes eleven additional chapters, so that is a total of fourteen chapters. There are chapters on oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, ionization, acidity, and base.In the first part of the book, the main concepts are introduced, such as the regulation of cell function and food composition. Secondly, the introduction of amino acids, the fundamental element of protein synthesis, the biochemistry of protein metabolism, and the first proteins.The next chapter deals wit h amino acids, and then the bioacids and the enzymatic bases. The next chapter discusses the electron transport properties of proteins, which leads to a discussion on the control of the first generation of membrane components of the cell.Then, the chapter on protein kinetics discusses the Krebs cycle and metabolic dynamics, before the book covers the functions of ribosomes and their various roles. The ribosome is a central complex involved in DNA synthesis, which allows for DNA replication and repair, and peptide production, which can occur through deamination of the 5' - and 3' - oligonucleotides. Next, the chapter on cell survival and cell division is discussed, which is not only useful for biology courses, but is used in the designing of therapeutic therapies.A brief introduction to the other areas of biochemical basics is given, including purine biosynthesis and the purine-purine system, which are involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Other than that, the next section of t he chapter introduces the issue of biogenesis, and the final chapter deals with the different categories of molecules and the identification of structures. The previous version of this book contained twenty-six chapters, thus making this the biggest and most complete edition. This book is essential for any biology course.Molecular Biology Research Consortium (Mrc) is one of the organizations that have made available for free, a complete text on molecular biology. Although this text has no direct application in the field of health, this text makes a good resource for biologists and teachers interested in the topic.

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